envibee is a GmbH (limited liability company) registered in Zürich, Switzerland.
The company is run by Dr. Martin Loos and provides both a broad background in natural sciences
(biogeochemistry, analytical chemistry, hydrology, geosciences) and experience in applied computer programming and data mining.
2012-2015 PhD Thesis in Environmental Chemistry and Data Mining, Eawag (Dübendorf, CH) and Aalto University (Helsinki, FI). SNF mobility fellowship.
2008-2012 MSc Environmental Sciences, Major Biogeochemistry and Pollution Control, ETH Zürich (CH). Willi-Studer-Award 2012.
2001-2008 Diploma Geoecology and pre-degree Biochemistry, University of Potsdam (DE). Thesis at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (PA).
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